What is Articulation?
When the word “articulation” is used in education, it often has different meanings and connotations, depending on the setting. Articulation, for our purposes, refers specifically to course articulation–that is, the process of developing a formal, written agreement that identifies courses (or sequences of courses) on a “sending” campus that are comparable to, or acceptable in lieu of specific course requirements at a “receiving” campus. Successful completion of an articulated course assures the student and the faculty that the student has taken the appropriate course, received the necessary instruction and preparation, and that similar outcomes can be assured, enabling progression to the next level of instruction at the receiving institution.
– From the Handbook for California Articulation Policies and Procedures
Definition and Process for Inter-Institutional Agreements
Proposals for “agreements” of any kind from other institutions are routed to the Articulation Officer (AO) for action. The AO reviews the proposal and, if necessary, contacts the institution to clarify the type of agreement being proposed. The following are the three most common types of proposals and how they are addressed:
Articulation Agreement
An agreement that courses or sequences of courses at one institution will be accepted in fulfillment of curricular requirements at another institution. Articulation agreements are referred to and processed and approved by the AO.
Transfer Information
Information about transfer requirements, processes, or procedures that apply to all potential transfer students seeking admission to the university. Transfer information is not an “agreement” and is therefore not approved or signed by any college or district representative.
The AO refers transfer information to the Transfer Center Director and other district AOs for distribution to counselors and students.
Memorandum of understanding
An agreement that a set of district students will receive special university admission consideration or other benefits not offered to most other potential transfer students. Memoranda of understanding may also obligate the college or district to provide institutional resources or other support not provided as a matter of course to other institutional partners.
The AO refers memoranda of understanding to the campus Transfer Center Director for action in accordance with the Transfer MOU Development and Approval Process. Approved memoranda of understanding are signed by the college President(s) and Chancellor.